Mesotherapy of this form is what a woman can do most invasively in her beautician before undergoing injectable treatments. It is an ideal treatment for a woman who does not want to enter the field of injections but at the same time wants a beautiful and careful image. Mesotherapy of this form has a preventive and conservative effect (it can be used between more invasive treatments such as botox, filler, threads, face lift). Results of mesotherapy:
- Stimulation of the skin
- Rich and deep hydration of the face
- Improving the contour of the face
- Tightening of the skin
- Shine and freshness
- Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
Frequent Q + A
- Who is it for? Mesotherapy is for men and women aged 30 and over who want to prevent, maintain and / or improve their image against signs of time.
- When is the best time to do it? Mesotherapy can be done all year round, but it is best to avoid it during the summer months. Ideally, after the treatment, have no obligations and return home.
- Will I be in pain? It is a procedure that has a slight inconvenience but is tolerable.
- How long does it take? The cleaning time is 60 minutes.
- Will I be irritated later? There is a slight irritation after a few hours, so it would be ideal not to have obligations immediately after.
- Can I paint later? Not immediately after the procedure. The next day you follow your schedule normally.
- What should I look out for next? Immediately after treatment and for the next 3 days, pay close attention to hygiene and cleanliness and use sunscreen daily for 1 week.
- How many treatments should I do? Mesotherapy really has no limits. Nevertheless, 6 sessions is a satisfactory number of repetitions. The frequency of treatments is 1 / week.
- Can it be combined with other treatments? Mesotherapy is combined with LPG for maximum results or can be used intermediate by more invasive methods such as botox, thread or filler for prolongation or maintenance of the result.